External links to websites dedicated to heritage roses

To broaden your navigation in the world of heritage roses, Roses Anciennes en France proposes external links to some interesting website: Enjoy…

Friendly associations

Les amis de la roseraie de Saint Galmier - www.asso-roseraie-saintgalmier.org
We are fond of "botany", lovers of roses and gardens. Our goal is to make known and appreciated the rose garden that contributes to the attractiveness of the city of Saint-Galmier. Since May 2000, we accompany the Garden Department of the city and proposes animations.
Our association is composed of volunteers attached to the rose gardens since its creation. It also involve more recent members. We organize conferences, guided walks, plant markets, garden visits, exchange meetings, training to the knowledge of roses and plants… Our goal is to show by the example by learning, raising awareness, transmitting… with ease.
André AYEL, President of the association Les amis de la roseraie de Saint Galmier

La Clé de la Rose - roseraiedecluny.jimdo.com
The association was created in 2010, on the occasion of the 1100th anniversary of the founding of the Cluny's Abbey, to allow the realization of a Public Rose Garden, in partnership with the City.
With only volunteers, the association is in charge of the maintenance of the rose garden in order to perpetuate and to highlight, by the use of practices respectful of the environment, the collection of heritage and modern rosebushes. This mission also includes the organisation of events likely to develop the exchanges with professionals and non-professionals in order to promote the Rose Garden to the widest public, so that its visit fits naturally in the course tour of the Abbey-City, the rose being represented on the facades of the many medieval houses of Cluny.
La Clé de la Rose

Other associations

Association Grignan, Pierres et Roses anciennes - www.grignan-rosesanciennes.com
Come discover the heritage roses that you love so much, in our pretty village of Grignan in the Drôme, while strolling in the alleys. They are waiting for you and need only your eyes to flourish.
Mairie de Grignan

Les Amis de la Malmaison - musees-nationaux-malmaison.fr/chateau-malmaison
The goal of the association is to promote the enrichment of the national museum from the castles of Malmaison and Bois-Préau by buying works of art. We organise trips and visits for members.
Les Amis de la Malmaison

Les Amis des Roses Nabonnand - www.rosesnab.asphora.com
The Nabonnand père and fils worked for nearly 100 years to offer deliciously colorful and fragrant rose varieties. Our association works so that the Nabonnand's roses are "the best known, the most esteemed in the whole world" (Extract catalog Clément Nabonnand, 1864-1949).
Les Amis des Roses Nabonnand

Les Amis de la Roseraie du Val-de-Marne - roseraie.valdemarne.fr/association-amis-roseraie
The association participates in the promotion and preservation of rose varieties cultivated by the Roseraie, which traces the history of the flower, from botanical varieties to modern horticultural varieties.
Les Amis de la Roseraie du Val-de-Marne

Société Française des Roses - www.societefrancaisedesroses.asso.fr
Founded in 1896, the mission of the Société Française des Roses is to promote roses and knowledges about roses among both professional and non-professional: organisation and participation in international trials of new roses, animation and exhibition support, publication of a magazine "Les Amis des Roses".
Société Française des Roses


La Bonne Maison - labonnemaison.org
On the outskirts of Lyon, a private garden of heritage roses, bulbs, clematis, irises and peonies.

Le Jardin de ma Mère - www.lejardindemamere.fr
A garden whose design and realisation took over 15 years, gradually. It enabled evolution and gave it a final meaning: an initiation garden to discover heritage roses in a lush decor. Discover, learn, but also stroll, stop and enjoy delightful moment.

Le Jardin des Oubliées - roseanciennenormande.monsite-orange.fr/
This garden, all in length, was created in 1987. It is composed of several rooms, each with a theme: courtyard garden, foliage garden, summer garden, white garden, walled garden and kitchen garden. Among the perennials and clematis (some rare) grow about 150 heritage roses, some coming from old gardens..

Les Jardins des Hautes Terres - www.jardinshautesterres.com
Located at 1,450 m of altitude, between the Provence and the Dauphiné, our gardens make you discover the alpine flora, a rose garden of 400 heritage roses (about 120 varieties), aromatic or vegetable plants that are adapted to the altitude.


Loire en Roses - sites.google.com/view/loireenroses
This research project aims to test the use of genetic markers on historical and modern scented rosebushes. It gathers the Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology applied to Aromatic and Medicinal Plants from the University Jean Monnet of Saint Etienne, the Roses Ducher, for the cultivation of roses, and the Roseraie de Saint-Galmier where pedagogical displays present the roses of the breeders from the Loire and the scent of roses.
The entire project is financed by the Foundation from the University Jean Monnet Foundation and the city of Saint-Galmier.

Rose producers

Les Rosiers du Berry - www.lesrosiersduberry.fr
The Rosiers du Berry offer you, through its catalog, more than 400 varieties of heritage and modern roses, some of which are rare. We also have an exhibition nursery that can be visited upon appointment. Order online, by correspondence or at the nursery.
J.-F. and M.-T. SARRAUD

Roseraie Ducher - www.roseraie-ducher.com
Since 6 generations, we share our know-how of roses by offering a selection of the best varieties of heritage and modern roses.

Roses Anciennes André Eve - www.roses-anciennes-eve.com
Our website gives information about gardens, activities and tips. Thanks to the search engine, you can find a heritage variety with its photo and its description. It also allows online orders and secured payment.

Roseraie Laperrière - www.rose-laperriere.com
Producer of garden roses, breeder-creator of new varieties from father to son, we are located in the region of Lyon since over 150 years. We sale the best varieties for the garden. Sale at the establishment, by correspondence or on the website.

Pépinières Auprès des roses - www.aupres-des-roses.com
Auprès des roses is located in the commune of Lecousse, near Fougères (35). On 3 hectares, we produce several hundred varieties of heritage and modern roses (NIRP, EDIROSE) by grafting or cutting. We sale bare root roses, roses in container in our facilities, via plant fairs or online.

Pépinières Brochet-Lanvin - www.pepiniere-brochetlanvin.com
The pépinières Brochet-Lanvin cultivate rare plants in Nanteuil la Forêt (51480). This includes heritage roses for calcareous soil. The nurserie is a member of ASPECO, the Association of Collectors' Nursery.

Pépinières Les Racines du Vent - www.les-racines-du-vent.fr
Located in Jura, we offer at the nursery a wide range of heritage, botanic species and modern roses, focusing mainly on hardy varieties. Our production, certified organic, is grafted on Rosa canina 'Pfänder', thus ensuring good growth on alkaline soils.

Pépinière Roses Loubert - www.pepiniere-rosesloubert.com
Located in the reknown village of Rosiers-sur-Loire, our nursery covers 5 hectares. In the silty soil, we multiply each year more than 2,000 different varieties. We use a unique rootstock for our ancient and botanical roses: Rosa laxa.

Pépinières Les Rosiers des Merles - www.roseraie-de-berty.com
Eléonore Cruse entrusted the production and sale of the bare root roses from her catalog to Bernadette Bonnefoy, a farmer at the Pépinière les Rosiers des Merles, in Dompac. Shipping from the end of November to the end of March.
Eléonore Cruse, still opens the Berty Rose Garden in Largentière and the Rose Garden in Ruoms. Rosebushes in containers are sold in both gardens.

Pépinières Dima - www.pepinieres-dima.com
Located close to Dijon, the Pépinières Dima is the only rose grower from Burgundy-Franche-Comté region. Attached to our terroir, we are specialised in the production of roses resistant to limestone and cold thanks to a grafting on Rosa laxa.
C. and C. DIMA

Roses Anciennes du Jardin de Talos - www.rosesanciennes-talos.com
Producers of heritage roses, our production is certified Organic. Faithful to our convictions, we will continue to offer you plants grown in the respect of the environment and of the plant itself. We are convinced that over the seasons, they will give you complete satisfaction.

Pépinières Francia Thauvin - www.rosier-pepiniere.com
We are specialised producer. Heritage, modern roses, bushes, climbers, ramblers, stems. Ordrer by mail or at the nursery.