Photo gallery of heritage roses - Colour order
This section of the photo gallery of heritage roses is organised according to the colour of the roses.
Red and predominantly red flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers
Red and predominantly red flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers
Red and predominantly red flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers
Red and predominantly red flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers
Red and predominantly red flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers
Red and predominantly red flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers
Red and predominantly red flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers
Red and predominantly red flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers
'Alfred Colomb'
'Alfred K. Williams'
'Baron J.B. Gonella'
'Charles Lefebvre'
'Cumberland Belle'
'Lieutenant Chauré'
'Merveille des rouges'
'Paul's Scarlet Climber'
'Souvenir de Thérèse Levet'
'Catharina Klein'
'Mlle Marie Magat'
'Pierre Caro'
'Triomphe des Noisettes'
'Frau O. Plegg'
'Alain Blanchard'
'Baron Girod de L'Ain'
'Château de Clos-Vougeot'
'Eugène Fürst'
'Henri Martin'
'Jean Liabaud'
'Jean Soupert'
'La Belle Sultane' ('Violacea')
'La Négresse'
'Louis XIV'
'Monsieur Boncenne'
'Nuits d'Young'
'Souvenir d'Alphonse Lavallée'
'Souvenir du Docteur Jamain'
'Tuscany Superb'
Red and predominantly red flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers
'Adélaïde d'Orléans'
'Agnès Shermann'
'Aline Rosey'
'Belle Portuguaise'
'Belle sans flatterie'
'Captain Christy'
'Cécile Brünner' ('Mlle Cécile Brünner')
'Centifolia rosea'
'Clara Cochet'
'Berthe Dumesnil de Montchauveau'
'Clothilde Soupert'
'Cuisse de Nymphe émue'
'Dainty Bess'
'Félicité Parmentier'
'G. Nabonnand'
'Jeanne Drivon'
'La Favorite'
'La Tendresse'
'La Tosca'
'Lady Emily Peel'
'Le Poilu'
'Léonie Lambert'
'Merveille des blanches'
'Mme Alfred de Rougemont'
'Mme Ernest Perrin'
'Mme Jules Finger'
'Mme Pierre Oger'
'Noisette carnée' ('Blush Noisette')
'Noisette carnée' ('Blush Noisette')
'Princesse Josephine de Flandres'
'Queen of the Musks’
Rosa roxburghii 'normalis'
'Souvenir de la Malmaison'
'Souvenir du Président Carnot'
'Alida Lovett'
'Baronne Adolphe de Rothschild'
'Catherine Soupert'
'Charles Métroz'
'Duchesse d'Angoulême'
'Duchesse de Berry'
'Enfant de France'
'Fantin Latour'
'Georges Pernet'
'Gloire de France'
'Gloire des mousseuses'
'Irène Watts'
'Jacques Cartier'
'Kew Rambler'
'La France'
'La Marne'
'La Noblesse'
'Laure Davoust'
'Louis van Tyll'
'Marquise de Mortemart'
'Marquise Litta de Breteuil'
'May Queen'
'Mistress Allen Chandler'
'Mlle Claire Andruejol'
'Mme Caroline Testout clg'
'Mme César Brunier'
'Mme Clémence Marchix'
'Mme Edouard Ory'
'Mme Gabriel Luizet'
'Narrow Water'
'Old Blush'
'Ornement des bosquets'
'Paul's Himalayan Musk Rambler'
'Pavillon de Prégny'
'Petite Lisette'
'Petite Marcelle'
'Pierre de Saint-Cyr'
'Reichspräsident von Hindenburg'
Rosa multiflora 'adenochaeta'
Rosa x damascena 'semperflorens'
'Souvenir de Lucie'
'Triomphe de la Duchère'
'Zéphirine Drouhin'
'Aimable Amie'
'Ambrogio Maggi'
'Ami Charmet'
'Archiduchesse Elisabeth d'Autriche'
'Ardoisée de Lyon'
'Baronne Prévost'
'Belle Doria'
'Belle Hélène'
'Ben Cant'
'Bicolore incomparable'
'Coupe d'Hébé'
'Dorothy Perkins'
'Duc de Bordeaux'
'Duchesse de Verneuil'
'Eulalie Lebrun'
'François Olin'
'Impératrice Joséphine'
'Jacques Amyot'
'John Hopper'
'Köningin von Dänemark'
'La Reine'
'Louise Odier'
'Lucien Duranthon'
'Lustre d'Eglise'
'Maman Turbat'
'Marie Louise'
'Marquise de Castellane'
'Mme Alégatière'
'Mme Boll'
'Mme Camille'
'Mme Caroline Testout'
'Mme Clémence Joigneaux'
'Mme Dubost'
'Mme Eugène E. Marlitt'
'Mme Lauriol de Barny'
'Nouveau Vulcain'
'Orléans Rose'
'Ornement de la nature'
'Perle de Weissenstein'
'Petite Orléanaise'
'Président Briand'
'Prince Napoléon'
'Reine Victoria'
Rosa gallica 'complicata'
Rosa roxburghii 'plena'
Rosa x centifolia cristata
'Rose de La Maître-Ecole'
Rose des Peintres' (R. x centifolia 'maxima')
'Souvenir de Georges Pernet'
'Triomphe de la Terre des Roses'
'Vick's Caprice'
'Anaïs Segalas'
'Assemblage de Beauté(s)'
'Belle de Crécy'
'Blairi N°2'
'Comte Lelieur' ('Rose du Roi')
'Comtesse d'Oxford'
'Etienne Levet'
'Gartenstadt Liegnitz'
'Gloire des Charpennes'
'Horace Vernet'
'La Vierzonnaise'
'Le Bienheureux de La Salle' ('Mme Isaac Pereire')
'Le Rire niais'
'Ma Tulipe'
'Magna Charta'
'Marie d'Orléans'
'Mary Pochin'
'Michel Bonnet'
'Mme de Sévigné'
'Mme Rambaux'
'Mme Victor Verdier'
'Monsieur Hoste'
'Paul Neyron'
'Queen of the Prairies'
'Reine Maria-Pia'
Rosa carolina
Rosa gallica 'officinalis'
Rosa glauca
Rosa moyesii 'Highdownensis'
'Rose de Rescht'
'Seven Sisters' (R. multiflora 'platyphylla’)
'Souvenir de Bruel'
'Souvenir de Mme de Corval'
'Souvenir de Victor Hugo'
'Triomphe de Saintes'
'Trompeter von Säckingen'
'Ulrich Brünner Fils'
'Adèle Heu'
'Alice Vena'
'American Pillar'
'Antoine Ducher'
'Bizarre triomphant' ('Charles de Mills')
'Docteur Baillon'
'Eugénie Guinoisseau'
'François Gaulain'
'Général Barral'
'Gloire d'un Enfant d'Hiram'
'La Caille'
'Louis-Philippe' (Gallicas)
'Manteau pourpre'
'Ombrée parfaite'
'Président de Sèze'
'Rose du Roi à fleurs pourpres'
'Roseraie de l'Haÿ'
'Soupert and Notting'
'Souvenir de Brod'
'Tour de Malakoff'
'Velours pourpre'
'Yolande d'Aragon'
Red and predominantly red flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers
Red and predominantly red flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers
Red and predominantly red flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers
‘Marie Van Houtte'
'Alister Stella Gray'
'Auguste Gervais'
'Bouquet d'Or'
'Céline Forestier'
'Desprez à fleurs jaunes'
'Ghislaine de Féligonde'
'Gloire de Dijon'
'Lady Hillingdon'
'Léontine Gervais'
'Léontine Gervais'
'Mlle Claire Jacquier'
'Mme Pernet-Ducher'
'Rêve d'Or'
'Source d'Or'
'Canary Bird'
'Persian Yellow' (Rosa foetida 'Persiana’)
'Souvenir de Claudius Pernet'
'William Allen Richardson'
'Soleil d'Or'
Red and predominantly red flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers
'Aimée Vibert Climbing'
'Anne-Marie de Montravel'
'Anne-Marie de Montravel'
'Baronne de Maynard'
'Boule de neige'
'Candeur lyonnaise'
'Bijou de Lyon'
'Coquette des Blanches'
'Emilia Plantier'
'Gloire lyonnaise'
'Gloire lyonnaise'
'La Neige'
'Louise Cretté'
'Louise d'Arzens'
'Marie Accarie'
'Marie de Saint Jean'
'Mme Hardy'
'Mme Plantier'
'Mme Zoetmans'
'Neige d’Avril'
Rosa moschata 'Umbrella'
Rosa pimpinellifolia
Rosa rugosa 'Alba'
Rosa sempervirens
Rosa sempervirens
Rosa sericea f. 'pteracantha'
Rosa x alba 'semiplena'
'Albéric Barbier'
'Blanche Durrschmidt'
'Etoile de Lyon'
'Rambling Rector'
'Belle de Baltimore'
'Claudia Augusta'
'Cuisse de Nymphe' (‘La Virginale’)
'Grüss an Aachen'
'Little White Pet'
'Little White Pet'
'Marguerite de Roman'
'Marie Pavié'
'Mme Alfred Carrière'
'Mme Fortuné Besson'
'Mme François Pittet'
'Noisette Moschata'
'Petite Léonie'
Rosa anemoniflora
Rosa multiflora 'cathayensis'
'Shailer's White Moss'
'Stanwell Perpetual'
Red and predominantly red flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers
Red and predominantly red flowers
Pink and predominantly pink flowers
Salmon pink or predominantly salmon / coral flowers
Orange and predominantly orange flowers
Yellow and predominantly yellow flowers
White, predominantly white and carnated flowers
Violet and predominantly violet flowers
Variegated, marbled & multicolour flowers