To become a member of the association Roses Anciennes en France

By becoming a member of our association Roses anciennes en France, you participate in the preservation of heritage roses, you work to ensure that this heritage remains alive in our gardens, you attend conferences and courses at preferential rates, you join us on trips and garden tours, you are informed of our various activities and you receive our annual bulletin…

To become a member, download one of the membership form bellow:
  Membership form (in French)

Print the form, fill it out and send it to our address. Don't forgert your payment or proof of payment.

The membership fees for the year are:

All information concerning the payment are on the membership form. Payment can be done by :

The association Roses Anciennes en France is recognized by the Rhone Tax Services Department as being of the general interest. Payments made to the benefit of the association, be it donations or contributions, entitle the holder to a reduction of French taxes. A receipt is delivered by the treasurer of the association attesting the amount and date of payments.